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What To Do While You Are #SafeAtHome

Writer's picture: C. DunhamC. Dunham

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

This article is a special to the What Makes Dante Tick blog.

From Dante:

Hello All, I have been blessed in many aspects of my life. Dealing with the #StayAtHome era that we are now enduring, I spend many hours reading, much more than I have ever done in my past. I understand the difference when a writer/author writes from the head or writes from the heart. To me, it is a real delight to find a writer that does both. I talked to Stacey about her writing; I read the below and was very inspired.

Who is Stacey? Stacey is currently living in Atlanta with her husband and two of her three children. She currently works full time as a paralegal for a large law firm (from home) and is a licensed real estate agent. She enjoys cooking, traveling, and writing. Below is something that blew me away because it really defines the current environment and it is well crafted to embody this world of STAY at Home.

From Stacey:

While we are at home (where we are supposed to be), we can take the time to do other things. We are utilizing the internet for things like social media and passing the time with movies that don’t enrich our lives. Cut back on television or bad television: some reality TV can be entertaining, but how does it enrich your life? Your life and family are interesting and entertaining enough if you think about it (mine is). You’re pouring into someone else’s life. Look inward. Bored? You shouldn’t be. Take this time to enrich your lives:

  • Get into the WORD – God’s Word. Train yourself in prayer. Utilize this time to focus on the Lord, yourself, and strengthen your families – near and far.

  • Are there changes in yourself that need to be made? I know for me, there are. Well, there isn’t a better opportunity to make the changes subtly while there is minimal-to-no outside influence to hinder your self-improvement. Do it for YOU, no one else.

  • Use your smart phones, tablets, iPad, and laptops for your benefit. They cost enough!

  • The internet is a tool – not just for entertainment. Take the time to learn things for yourselves instead of “what they said” or “I heard.” Don’t wait to be spoon fed information. It could be wrong!

  • Take an online class – There are so many FREE classes online.

  • Learn about the stock market and INVEST. It doesn’t have to be that much.

  • Learn how to create multiple streams of income. There’s something for everyone. Create a legacy for you and your family.

  • Find your passion, and find a way to make money from it. Doing what you love keeps you motivated to do it. Step out on faith! Jump!

  • Start a business. It doesn’t always take a lot of money, or in some cases, any money at all.

  • Sharpen your skills. There’s always room for improvement. Focus on what you CAN do and improve on it, and not what you can’t do.

  • Discover your God-given gifts, and share them with the world (online for now).

  • Start a blog. You have something to say that someone wants to hear or someone that needs to be inspired. (I may be on to something myself.)

  • Write a book. There are ways to self-publish online.

  • Learn another language. Again, there are free programs online for this.

  • Replace a not-so-good or bad habit with a good habit or better habit. It takes an average of 21 days to form a habit for some, and 18 to 254 days for others (I learned that online ). Looks like we have time on our hands to do this. Starting is the hardest step. One step at a time…

  • Get in shape. Get healthy. Learn how to eat/cook healthy. Learn to work out independently. Some people feel that they need a gym or trainer to work out. You may just need accountability or motivation. Join or CREATE an online group or get together (online) with some friends and/or family that would do it with you.

  • Clean / Declutter your house or where you live thoroughly. Not fun, but probably needed.

  • Put everything down and spend time with your family. You are in the home together. Cook together, eat together, pray together, play together, work out together, dance together, be silly together – just do it together. Create wonderful lasting memories together.

Don’t waste this time. Use it for things you never had time to do or maybe always wanted to. It may not be easy, but we were built for this. People have achieved much more with much less. Come out of this “Shelter in Place” better than you went in. You are not alone. We’re all in this together!

In Peace & Love,



This is perfect to define Stacey’s writing:

We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant and truly see the things that matter most." (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

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