On April 25, 2020, while the Flagler Branch of the NAACP is raising money to support its non-discrimination mission and vision, The Groov will be in the house providing music to give by. A Dante Production brings this versatile trio, which hails from Northeast Florida, to Ormond Beach, where music lovers (or not!) are sure to be delighted.
With skilled musicianship and vocals, The Groov Band is one of the most sought-after jazz trios delighting audiences with their warm, charming demeanor, engaging smiles and impeccable musicianship. David Sylvester, Steven Scott, and Carlos Peterson are a team that you do not want to miss!
For more information about the Flagler Branch of the NAACP's Freedom Fund Gala 2020 event and tickets, contact a member at 386.446.7822.
#ADanteProduction #TheGroov #FlaglerNAACP #NAACPFreedomFundGala2020 #OrmondBeach #Flagler #PalmCoast #DaytonaBeach #Volusia